Hades Shopping Mall

This project was the second task with 3D software, in my training as a game-designer. The assignment was, to set a near shopping mall into an alternative world with Autodesk 3Ds Max.

I was one of two 3D arists in the Team and made none of the Textures, only the UV layouts. The teamleader made the decision to use the greek mythology as the parallelworld of our version of the shopping mall.

In this project I learned why normal maps are such an amazing thing for saving polys in meshes.

The teamleader gabe me plenty of rope for the design of the main hall, and my idea was to make it the enterance into the greek underworkd with Charon waiting in a boat.

But because of limitied time and knowhow at that time Charon and the boat were not finished. So I concentraded my work on creating an atmosphere of an underworld in this part of the shopping mall.

I used particles for fire, smoke and nebula effects here, the water is made of a mesh with animated noise.